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ST7538Q FSK电力线收发器评估板

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-2-27 11:03:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVALST7538DUAL板(ST7538Q FSK电力线收发器评估板)必须通过VALCOMMBOARD通用板连接到PC 。EVALST7538DUAL板集成随着电源部分,信号耦合的接口部分,晶体振荡器和设备保护的ST7538电力线收发器。耦合接口部分已经实现了主要用于AMR的应用程序在CENELEC A波段的通信,具有72 kHz和86 kHz的通信信道之间的可编程开关的机会。The EVALST7538DUAL board integrates the ST7538 power line transceiver along with the power supply section, the signal coupling interface section, the crystal oscillator and device protections. The coupling interface section has been realized for communication on CENELEC A-band used mainly for AMR applications, with the chance of programmable switching between 72 kHz and 86 kHz communication channels.This half-duplex “dual channel” communication feature has been implemented through optimized receiving and transmitting filters on the board.EVALST7538DUAL board must be connected to a PC through the VALCOMMBOARD general purpose board. The dedicated SW running on the PC can be downloaded from “www.st.com/powerline” web page.The typical application environment consists of two or more EVALST7538DUAL connected to the same mains line, each connected to its own EVALCOMMBOARD controlled by a PC running the EVALCOMMBOARD GUI software.

    EVALST7538DUAL Data Brief.pdf

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