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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-26 17:06:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IHM030V1是有刷直流电机(BDC)的演示工具包,其中提出了一个24伏,高达2 kW的直流有刷电机驱动器解决方案。The STEVAL-IHM030V1 is a brushed DC motor (BDC) demonstration kit which presents a 24 V, up to 2 kW brushed DC motor drive solution.A typical application for this solution is in traction systems.The kit contains two stacked modular boards: a power stage board and a control board. It is a compact solution and provides efficient power dissipation due to the mounting of the power MOSFET on a dedicated IMS layer.The brain of the system is the STM8S208MB 8-bit microcontroller, which drives the full H-bridge topology, implements the PI closed loop control speed, manages the encoder signal feedback using the dedicated timer peripheral, and manages the motor commands and PI configuration messages through the CAN bus.

    STEVAL-IHM030V1 Data Brief.pdf

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