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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-26 16:59:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IHT005V2被设计成一个完整的解决方案建议根据意法半导体™组件家用电器应用。特别强调的是在示范的一个强大的完整的3.3 V的解决方案,基于IEC-61000-4-4(突发)的测试过程中A类4 kV的水平。该板还允许设计者评估与3.3 V电源的AC开关控制的可行性。The STEVAL-IHT005V2 is designed as a complete solution proposal for home appliance applications based on STMicroelectronics™ components. Special emphasis is placed on demonstration of a robust full 3.3 V solution, based on 4 kV level in class A during an IEC-61000-4-4 (burst) test. The board also allows designers to evaluate the feasibility of AC switch control with a 3.3 V supply. Gate currents can be measured and compared to the information given in application note AN2986. STEVAL-IHT005V2 is based on the recently-introduced 48-pin, 32-bit STM32F100C4T6B MCU running at 24 MHz (RC user-trimmable internal RC clock), featuring 16 kBytes of Flash memory, 12-bit A/D converter, 5 timers, communication interfaces, and 4 kBytes of SRAM. The power supply circuitry is based on the VIPer16L, an offline converter with an 800 V avalanche-rugged power section, operating at 60 kHz.

    STEVAL-IHT005V2 Data Brief.pdf

    398.08 KB, 下载次数: 0

    STM32F100x4/6/8/B Datasheet.pdf

    1.14 MB, 下载次数: 0

    STEVAL-IHT005V2 User Manual.pdf

    1.52 MB, 下载次数: 0


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