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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-26 13:23:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL- IHM025V1演示板是一个AC / DC逆变器,生成用于驱动3相或两相的电机,如感应电动机或永磁同步电动机高达1000瓦,具有或不具有传感器的三相波形。The STEVAL-IHM025V1 demonstration board is an AC/DC inverter that generates a three-phase waveform for driving three or two-phase motors such as induction motors or PMSM motors up to 1000 W, with or without sensors.The system represents a universal, fullyevaluated and populated design consisting of a 3-phase inverter bridge based on the 600 V IGBT SLLIMM™ (small low-loss intelligent molded module) in the SDIP 38L package mounted on a heatsink. The STGIPL14K60 integrates: high voltage, short-circuit rugged IGBT, and high voltage gate drivers with advanced features like integrated op amp suitable for advanced current system has been specifically designed to achieve power inversion in a reliable and compact design.The system architecture of the module is based on integrated advanced features and is specifically designed to achieve fast and accurate conditioning of the current feedback, thereby matching the typical requirements in field-oriented control (FOC).

    STEVAL-IHM025V1 Data Brief.pdf

    240.5 KB, 下载次数: 0

    STEVAL-IHM025V1 User Manual.pdf

    1.18 MB, 下载次数: 0


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