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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-25 16:57:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL- IHP002V1演示板是一款基于STM32F10x的单片机, ST7540的PLM和STPM01电能计量集成电路一个装有SmartPLUG 。该板是PLM的网络,它允许最终用户来监视和管理的封孔负载能量消耗的一个节点,并且可以用作数据集中器,用于连接到PC的STEVAL- IHP003V1配合工作。The STEVAL-IHP002V1 demonstration board is a SmartPlug based on the STM32F10x microcontroller, ST7540 PLM, and STPM01 energy metering ICs. The board is a node of a PLM network which allows the final user to monitor and manage the plugged load energy consumption, and can work in conjunction with the STEVAL-IHP003V1 used as a data concentrator for connection to a PC.The board has been developed as a guideline to build a home/building automation subsystem for energy management. It is designed to fit the dimensions of a standard box for wall installation and easy integration into home/building electrical plants. The current, power, energy and other information related to the electrical load connected to the SmartPlug board are sent to a PLM data concentrator (such as the STEVALIHP003V1) through the home/building PLM network. A protocol stack has been implemented to allow node communication; it includes a PHY layer with FEC, a MAC layer with CSMA/CA and ACK, and a network layer with static addressing and routing topology.

    STEVAL-IHP002V1 Brief.pdf

    338.32 KB, 下载次数: 0

    STEVAL-IHP002V1 User Manual.pdf

    1.54 MB, 下载次数: 0


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