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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-25 15:43:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IHM003V1参考设计套件的通用硬件体系结构是基于逆变器拓扑结构,适合有效驱动三种类型的电机:“3相无刷直流/交流永磁(中六步模式)”,“3三相交流感应”和“3期双语PM电机(正弦波驱动)”加一个插件控制板,基于ST7FMC单片机。The general hardware architecture of the reference design kit is based on an Inverter topology suitable to efficiently drive three types of motors: "3 Phase BLDC/AC Permanent Magnet (in six-step mode)" , "3 Phase AC Induction" and "3 Phase BLAC PM motor (sinusoidal driven)" plus a plug-in control board, based on ST7FMC MCU.The inverter bridge is made by six IGBTs short circuit rugged rated at 10uS with different option of current capability in relationship to the power needed by the customer final application. The driving of the bridge is made by three IGBTs drivers (suited in the control board) with High Side/Low Side integrated functionality in a single chip with also several protections. The supply of the power is implemented using the Viper, a Vertical Intelligent Power Enhanced Regulators which combines an optimized, high voltage, Vertical Power MOSFET with state-of-the-art PWM circuitry.

    STEVAL-IHM003V1 Data Brief.pdf

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