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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-25 13:41:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-CBP005V1演示板功能作为HR21机顶盒(STB)的前面板解决方案,并设计让多功能LED控制器/驱动器STLED316S的测试。该STEVAL-CBP005V1演示板在工作时必须连接到正常的主机。The STEVAL-CBP005V1 demonstration board functions as a front panel solution for the HR21 set-top box (STB), and is designed to allow testing of the versatile LED controller/driver STLED316S.The HR21 main board serves as the host (master), and the STEVAL-CBP005V1demonstration board functions as a slave. The interface is an 11-pin connector cable, which provides all required device control signals, the 3.3 and 5 V supply, the reset and IR sensor data lines, and ground. The board also provides all necessary function switches as well as LEDs for function/status indication.The STEVAL-CBP005V1 demonstration board must be connected to the host to function properly. Factory testing was completed using a test jig, which emulated the host.

    STEVAL-CBP005V1 Data Brief.pdf

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