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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-25 13:22:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IAS003V1计数器演示板旨在为应用,需要一个直接驱动LCD与相关的可编程功能的示例。有针对性的领域包括医疗卫生领域,电池供电柜,仪表和其他许多人。The STEVAL-IAS003V1 counter demonstration board is intended as an example for applications where a directly-driven LCD with the associated programmable functionality is needed. Targeted areas include the medical and healthcare field, battery-operated counters, meters and many others. The application is focused on low power consumption, so the STM8L101xx MCU is used, and software is written to optimally use the lowpower modes available. This results in an average current consumption for the entire application of below 1.5 μA, including direct LCD drive, implemented by software. Very low consumption is achieved by keeping the microcontroller in the active-halt low-power mode for most of the time. From this mode, the STM8L101xx is awakened regularly by the auto wake-up timer.

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