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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-17 14:06:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    MTS2916A双路全桥式步进电机驱动器评估板,演示了MTS2916A的能力来控制一个双极步进电机的两个绕组。该主板还演示了MTS62C19A,它具有相同的功能,但不同的引脚分配的功能。一个PIC16F883被用于电机控制处理。The MTS2916A Dual Full-Bridge Stepper Motor Driver Evaluation Board demonstrates the capabilities of the MTS2916A to control both windings of a bipolar stepper motor. The board also demonstrates the capabilities of the MTS62C19A, which has the same functionality, but different pin assignments. A PIC16F883 is utilized for motor control processing.This evaluation board incorporates features through the implementation of push button switches and a variable speed input potentiometer to exercise a stepper motor in Full-Step, Half-Step, Modified Half-Step and Microstepping modes. LEDs indicate a binary representation of which mode has been selected. The evaluation board and the stepper motor can be powered from a single power input J1 (7 VDC to 12 VDC) with jumper JP2 installed. For higher motor voltages, make sure JP2 is not installed, and connect VLOAD at J4. Numerous test points have been designed into the board to allow easy access.

    Highly Integrated 3-Phase BLDC Drivers Brochure.pdf

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