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ADAU1701开发套件可用于评价模拟设备adau1702和adau1401音频处理器。This data sheet describes the design and setup of the EVAL-ADAU1701MINIZ, the ADAU1701 SigmaDSP® mini evaluation board. The EVAL-ADAU1701MINIBZ provides stereo line-level analog audio input as well as a digital audio interface. Two of the ADAU1701 DAC channels are routed to an SSM2306 filterless Class-D amplifier, while the other two channels are routed to line-level outputs.The ADAU1701 can be controlled via the USBi interface control board connected to the I2C communications interface. On-board self-boot EEPROM is included for operating the board independently of the Analog Devices, Inc., SigmaStudio™ software. Push-buttons, LEDs, and a potentiometer are connected directly to the ADAU1701 GPIO pins for user control.This evaluation board can also be used to evaluate the Analog Devices ADAU1702 and ADAU1401 audio processors. Visit www.analog.com for details about the differences between these integrated circuits.ADAU1701是一款完整的单芯片音频系统,包含28/56 bit音频DSP、ADC、DAC以及类似微控制器的控制接口。信号处理包括平衡、混音、低音增强、多波段动态处理、延迟补偿以及立体声图像扩展等,可以对现实世界的扬声器、放大器与收听环境的限制进行补偿,对感受到的音频质量进行动态改进。ADAU1701的信号处理可以同高端立体声设备中的信号处理相媲美。大多数处理是由完全的56 bit双精度模式完成的,因此带来非常优良的低电平信号性能。ADAU1701是完全可编程数字信号处理器。易于使用的SigmaStudio软件允许用户利用双二阶滤波器、动态处理器、电平控制以及GPIO接口控制通用等手段,通过图形配置用户定制的信号处理流程。ADAU1701程序可以从串行EEPROM(通过其自引导机制)或从外部微控制器上电加载。在上电期间,当前参数状态可以从ADAU1701写回到EEPROM,以便在下一次程序运行时重新调用。2个∑-ΔADC与4个∑-ΔDAC向动态的模拟输出提供98.5 dB模拟输入。每个ADC的总谐波失真+噪声(THD + N)为-83 dB,每个DAC的总谐波失真+噪声(THD + N)为-90 dB。数字输入与输出端口允许与额外ADC与DAC的无胶合连接。ADAU1701通过I2C总线或4线SPI®端口通信。应用
- 多媒体扬声器系统
- MP3播放器扬声器
- 汽车音响磁头单元
- 迷你立体声音响
- 数字电视
- 演播室监视器
- 扬声器混音调节
- 音乐会演奏效果处理器
- 座位声音系统(飞机/交通车)