DE1(2C20) CYCLONE FPGA开发套件旨在为用户提供一个学习数字逻辑、计算机组织和PGA的理想工具。It uses the state-of-the-art technology in both hardware and CAD tools to expose students and professionals to a wide range of topics. The board offers a rich set of features that make it suitable for use inalaboratory environment for university and college courses, for a variety of design projects, as well as for the development of sophisticated digital systems. Altera provides a suite of supporting materials for the DE1 board,including tutorials, “ready-to-teach” laboratory exercises, and illustrative demonstrations.The DE1 board features a state-of-the-art Cyclone® II 2C20 FPGA in a 484-pin package. All important components on the board are connected to pins of this chip, allowing the user to control all aspects of the board’s operation. For simple experiments, the DE1 board includes a sufficient number of robust switches (of both toggle and push-button type), LEDs, and 7-segment displays. For more advanced experiments, there are SRAM, SDRAM, and Flash memory chips. For experiments that require a processor and simple I/O interfaces, it is easy to instantiate Altera’s Nios II processor and use interface standards such as RS-232 and PS/2. For experiments that involve sound or video signals,there are standard connectors for microphone, line-in,line-out (24-bit audio CODEC), SD memory card connector,and VGA; these features can be used to create CD-quality audio applications and video. Finally, it is possible to connect other user defined boards to the DE1 board by means of two expansion headers.![]() |