Olimex STM32-x407 Cortex-M4单板计算机开发板可以开发由意法半导体制造的Cortex-M4 STM32F407ZGT6单片机应用程序代码。They are low cost entry boards for developing custom applications with the STM32F407ZGT6 MCUs. These boards have plenty of resources and all GPIO ports are available on extension connectors. An Arduino compatible platform connector is also available.The STM32-P407 board also has plenty of RAM, an LCD display, and onboard camera which allows image processing. The Ethernet 100MB interface allows the development of web applications.产品特性
512KB fast external SRAM on board
Stereo audio codec CS4344
CAN driver
Temperature sensor
Trimmer potentiometer
Joystick for navigation
6610 LCD color 128x128 pixel
TFT display
SAMSUNG E700 VGA camera 640x480 color
Tamper and Wakeup buttons
2 RS232 drivers and connectors
25Mhz quartz crystal
100MB Ethernet
Mini SD/MMC card connector
Power jack
3V battery connector
Extension port connectors for many of the MCU pins