英飞凌XMC4500基本的工具包和XMC4500企业的套件六角旨在评估XMC4500的Cortex-M4微控制器(MCU)的应用套件。These Infineon kits come with an XMC4500 General Purpose CPU board that houses the XMC4500 MCU and three satellite connectors for application expansion. The Enterprise Kit includes a J-Link Lite CortexM Debugger. The board - along with Infineon's Ethernet/CAN/RS485, Standard Human Machine Interface, and Automation I/O Hexagon Cards - demonstrates the capabilities of the XMC4500 Cortex-M4 device. The Ethernet/CAN/RS486 Interface card demonstrates the communications capabilities of the XMC4500. The Human Machine Interface card demonstrates the HMI capabilities of the XMC4500 and features a passive matrix OLED display. The Automation I/O card demonstrates the ISOFACE capabilities along with the XMC4500.产品图片