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发表于 2013-8-16 09:10:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CC1101评估模块结合CC1101开发工具包旨在帮助用户尽可能快地实现您的设计的目标。Evaluate the SmartRF®04 products. Right out of the box, the user can do range testing (PER testing) and transfer data from one PC to another using the SmartRF®04DK. This enables the user to quickly find out how well the SmartRF®04 products fit the intended application. A number of demonstration applications serve to highlight the innovative features of the SmartRF®04 ICs.Perform RF measurements. Using SmartRF® Studio, the user can configure the radio ICs with parameters that suit the intended application and easily measure sensitivity, output power and other RF parameters.Develop a prototype. The SmartRF®04DK includes a Silicon Labs 8051-core MCU with 16 kB of program memory and 1 kB of data memory. By programming this MCU and utilizing the various peripherals included on the Evaluation Board, the user can easily make a prototype of the intended application. All signals are brought out on 0.1" pin-row connectors so easy connection of other required circuitry is possible. These connectors are also compatible with Agilent logic analyser probes for easy debugging. It is also possible to disconnect the Silicon Labs MCU from the EVM board, and connect a MCU selected by the user to the I/O connectors.This evaluation kit includes two CC1101EM 868/915 MHz modules and antennas. The CC1101EMs are add-on daughter boards that require two SmartRF®04DKs (included in CC1101DK) for evaluation and development.The CC1101EMK can also be used with two MSP430FG4618/F2013 Experimenter Boards for software development, prototyping and testing using the MSP430.产品特性
  • A complete Evaluation Kit includes:
       —2 CC1101 868/915 MHz evaluation modules which contain:       —CC1101 chip
  • Required external components:2 Antennas (868/915 MHz)

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