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CryptoAuthentication 套件



发表于 2015-11-25 13:47:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • Personalize Configuration Zone – Personalize device configuration such as I2C_Address, OTPMode, SelectorMode, SlotConfig, UseFlag, LastKeyUse, and Selector Value.       
  • Lock Configuration Zone – Lock Configuration zone after the Configuration zone has been personalized. Atmel recommends including CRC checksum in the lock process to ensure that the device has been personalized as desired.
    • Configuration zone must be locked to enable the personalization of Data/OTP zones. Prior to locking Configuration zone, Data/OTP zone cannot be read nor written at all. .
  • Personalize Data/OTP Zones – Personalize Data zone to store data such as keys, calibration data, model number, etc. Personalize OTP zone to store fixed data such as model numbers, calibration information, manufacturing history, or other data that should never change.       
  •  Lock Data/OTP Zones – Lock Data/OTP zones after writing Data and OTP zones. Atmel recommends including CRC checksum in the lock process to ensure the data written are as desired.


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