Heart rate click携带MAX30100集成脉搏血氧饱和度和心脏速率传感器。它是从来自两个LED发射的光的两种波长,然后测量通过一个光检测器脉冲血液的吸光度得其读数的光学传感器。Essential featuresHeart rate click is suitable for prototyping wearable devices for fitness or medical applications. The MAX30100 is a low powered IC and it also incorporates ambient light cancellation and motion artefact resilence. For best results, the readings should be taken through the tip of one’s finger (the red and IR LED combination is optimized for this application). The readings, however, can be negatively impacted by excess motion and temperature variations. Also, too much pressure can constrict capillary blood flow and diminish the reliability of the data. |