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Propeller ASC+ 开源开发板



发表于 2016-4-13 09:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Propeller ASC+ 通过现有Arduino的附加板和Propeller SPIN、汇编、C和C ++等语言能够对Arduino Shield的兼容系统进行原型设计,Propeller ASC+ 是一款易用型的开发板,你可以随时切换到Propeller多核处理器上,这样能够使你的项目缩短时间。Key Features:
  •   Can be powered from the USB port (500mA polyfuse) or with 6-9 v 2.1 mm power jack, allowing for rapid proto-typing       
  •  3.3 v and 5 v voltage regulators allow you to integrate a wide variety of sensors       
  •  Mini-USB interface means no searching for a special cable to connect with your computer
  •  3.3 v AUX port for extra digital I/O or TV/keyboard/mouse or RGB using only a few resistors       
  •  MCP3208 12-bit analog to digital converter       
  •  Fourteen Arduino compatible, current protected 3.3 v digital I/O pins       
  •  PWM, I2C, SPI, UART and more, in any combination on any pin       
  •  64 KB EEPROM (32 K for program + 32 K for data storage)       
  •  Dimensions: 2.70 x 2.10 in (68.6 x 53.3 mm)

Propeller ASC+ Datasheet.pdf

164.97 KB, 下载次数: 5


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