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CodeWarrior TAP硬件调试器

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    2013-9-2 09:06
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    发表于 2013-5-13 09:35:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    CodeWarrior TAP 硬件调试器取代了Ethernet TAP和USB TAP,并且下载速度更高。只需要使用这一个硬件调试工具即可开发和调试基于飞思卡尔Power Architecture®、StarCore和ColdFire处理器的软件。CodeWarrior TAP 硬件调试器与主调试程序(我们的CodeWarrior Development Studio)相互结合,可以实现更快的、更灵活的调试,其价格还不到500美元。Using the CodeWarrior TAP’s Ethernet connection, developers can debug systems remotely or more effectively share a single system with multiple developers. When a shared system is not needed, CodeWarrior TAP connects directly to the developer’s workstation with a single USB cable. Power is supplied by the USB port so that no additional cables are needed.The CodeWarrior TAP is designed to work in conjunction with Freescale CodeWarrior development tools and Freescale processors. It is a critical debug tool in all phases of the project and is necessary for debugging systems prior to running a fully debugged operating system.

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