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DP83848T 以太网工控板



发表于 2016-4-25 09:49:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
DP83848K解决了质量,可靠性以及空间敏感型应用所需的小外形尺寸和工业内操作的温度范围。The DP83848T MAU is an NSC demo platform to allow customer evaluation of our device. While the DP83848T has many advanced and enticing features, this specific board is designed to demonstrate only a subset of those. The features chosen are the ones that the mainstream customers will use. Thus we have created an affordable, aesthetic platform to demonstrate the simplicity of designing in a National Semiconductor DP83848T.Applications:
  • Peripheral devices        
  • Mobile devices        
  • Factory and building automation        
  • Basestations

DP83848T-MAU-EK Purpose and Contents.pdf

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