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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-9-2 09:06
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    发表于 2013-1-15 10:37:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    ATAVRMC300评估板是针对直流无刷驱动器、直流驱动器和步进电机驱动器的通用型评估板。此评估板专门为开发电机控制的应用而设计的平台。控制器(AVR® CPU)所需要的电源和信号接口在电路板的左侧,这样的设计为不同的微控制器的连接提供了模块化的系统。The MC300 motor control driver board is a power stage board intended for driving BLDC and stepper motors. It has four half-bridges with independent control of high and low sides. Each bridge has options for filtered/voltage divided feedback from its output (EMF) and shunt resistor. There is also feedback from a common shunt resistor, Vmotor (Vm) and Vneutral (Vn - center tap motor windings). Four 8-pin 2,54mm (100mil) horizontal female pin headers on the left side of the board form a system connector for device boards. The board has an adjustable voltage regulator for Vcc, 3.3V or 5V, and this voltage is available on the system connector. A 5V regulator powers the Hall sensors. Vm, Vin and Vcc each have their own LED to indicate power.Features• General-purpose power stage for DC and stepper motors• Modular system with 2,54mm pin header connector for device boards• Four half-bridges with independent control of high and low side• Onboard voltage regulators for device board (5/3,3V) and Hall sensors (5V)• Hall sensor, back-EMF and center voltage feedback to device board• Shunt resistor feedback to device board• Electric specifications:- Driver circuit: Vin 10-20V- Motor: Vm 0-40V, Immax=6A• Dimension: 100x100mm


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