16按钮应用程序套件是基于英飞凌8位XC836T微控制器设计的,是一个联合电容式触摸按钮和指示灯显示功能的控制解决方案。 A dedicated functional unit of the XC836T microcontroller manages both, the control of the capactitive touch sensing and the driving of an LED-matrix for the use in displays. Specific ROM code is part of the device to reduce configuration and calibration effort in the design.The application example code is loaded to the Flash memory of the microcontroller and can be accessed and modified with DAVE™ Bench - Infineon`s free development tool chain. You can easily build up on this code and develop your own solution with fast time to market.
Flexible and ready to use solution for combined capacitive touch and LED-display control
XC836T microcontroller featuring a dedicated functional unit for touch and display control and a ROM library to support configuration and calibration
Application example code for control of 16 touch buttons and 16 touch indicator LEDs