DEMOEM是一个用于MCU评估的廉价开发板。The MCF51EM V1 ColdFire MCU family targets metering and measurement applications requiring key features such as high-precision analog-to-digital conversion, timing-critical conversion sequencing, integrated LCD control, tamper detection and a full-featured real-time clock.Highlighting these features, the DEMOEM platform contains an on-board liquid crystal display (LCD), dedicated crystal source and battery power for the independent real-time clock (IRTC) and a signal generator sub-circuit utilizing an MC9S08QE8 MCU to synthesize sine waves for three-phase power emulation.
- Analog signal synthesis with emulation system
- CR2032 RTC backup battery
- Infra-red communication
- Touch-sensing buttons
- AAA battery operation
- SPI external memory