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推荐三本放大器设计方面的书《Distortion in RF Power Amplifiers》《Introduction to RF Equipment an



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Distortion in RF Power Amplifiers
PDF格式 270页

Acknowledgments ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation .................................................................... 1
1.2 Historical Perspective ................................................... 2
1.3 Linearization and Memory Effects ............................... 3
1.4 Main Contents of the Book.........................................4..
1.5 Outline of the Book....................................................6..
References ...................................................................................8
Chapter 2 Some Circuit Theory and Terminology 9
2.1 Classification of Electrical Systems ........................... 10
2.1.1 Linear Systems and Memory ............................ 10
2.1.2 Nonlinear Systems ........................................... 13
2.1.3 Common Measures of Nonlinearity.................. 15
2.2 Calculating Spectrums in Nonlinear Systems ............. 18
2.3 Memoryless Spectral Regrowth .................................. 21
2.4 Signal Bandwidth Dependent Nonlinear Effects ......... 25
2.5 Analysis of Nonlinear Systems ................................... 27
2.5.1 Volterra Series Analysis................................... 28
2.5.2 Direct Calculation of Nonlinear Responses ...... 30
2.5.3 Two Volterra Modeling Approaches ................ 34
2.6 Summary .................................................................... 39
2.7 Key Points to Remember ............................................ 41
References .................................................................................41
Chapter 3 Memory Effects in RF Power Amplifiers 43
3.1 Efficiency ................................................................... 43
3.2 Linearization .............................................................. 45
3.2.1 Linearization and Efficiency ............................ 45
3.2.2 Linearization Techniques ................................. 46
3.2.3 Linearization and Memory Effects ................... 48
3.3 Electrical Memory Effects .......................................... 51
3.4 Electrothermal Memory Effects .................................. 56
3.5 Amplitude Domain Effects ......................................... 59
3.5.1 Fifth-Order Analysis Without Memory Effects 60
3.5.2 Fifth-Order Analysis with Memory Effects ...... 62
3.6 Summary .................................................................... 66
3.7 Key Points to Remember ............................................ 67
References .................................................................................68
Chapter 4 The Volterra Model 71
4.1 Nonlinear Modeling ................................................... 71
4.1.1 Nonlinear Simulation Models........................... 72
4.1.2 The Properties of the Volterra Models ............. 75
4.2 Nonlinear I-V and Q-V Characteristics ...................... 77
4.2.1 IC-VBE-VCE Characteristic................................ 78
4.2.2 gpi and rbb ........................................................ 82
4.2.3 Capacitance Models ......................................... 82
4.3 Model of a Common-Emitter BJT/HBT Amplifier ..... 84
4.3.1 Linear Analysis ................................................ 84
4.3.2 Nonlinear Analysis........................................... 87
4.4 IM3 in a BJT CE Amplifier ........................................ 95
4.4.1 BJT as a Cascade of Two Nonlinear Blocks ..... 95
4.4.2 Detailed BJT Analysis.................................... 102
4.5 MESFET Model and Analysis .................................. 109
4.6 Summary .................................................................. 115
4.7 Key Points to Remember .......................................... 117
References ...............................................................................118
Contents vii
Chapter 5 Characterization of Volterra Models 123
5.1 Fitting Polynomial Models ....................................... 124
5.1.1 Exact and LMSE Fitting................................. 124
5.1.2 Effects of Fitting Range ................................. 126
5.2 Self-Heating Effects ................................................. 127
5.2.1 Pulsed Measurements..................................... 129
5.2.2 Thermal Operating Point ................................ 131
5.3 DC I-V Characterization .......................................... 133
5.3.1 Pulsed DC Measurement Setup ...................... 133
5.3.2 Fitting I-V Measurements .............................. 134
5.4 AC Characterization Flow ........................................ 136
5.5 Pulsed S-Parameter Measurements ........................... 137
5.5.1 Test Setup ...................................................... 137
5.5.2 Calibration ..................................................... 139
5.6 De-embedding the Effects of the Package ................ 140
5.6.1 Full 4-Port De-embedding.............................. 141
5.6.2 De-embedding Plain Bonding Wires .............. 143
5.7 Calculation of Small-Signal Parameters ................... 145
5.8 Fitting the AC Measurements ................................... 147
5.8.1 Fitting of Nonlinear Capacitances .................. 147
5.8.2 Fitting of Drain Current Nonlinearities .......... 149
5.9 Nonlinear Model of a 1-W BJT ................................ 152
5.10 Nonlinear Model of a 1-W MESFET ........................ 155
5.11 Nonlinear Model of a 30-W LDMOS ....................... 160
5.12 Summary .................................................................. 165
5.13 Key Points to Remember .......................................... 166
References ...............................................................................167
Chapter 6 Simulating and Measuring Memory Effects 171
6.1 Simulating Memory Effects ...................................... 172
6.1.1 Normalization of IM3 Components ................ 172
6.1.2 Simulation of Normalized IM3 Components .. 175
6.2 Measuring the Memory Effects ................................ 180
6.2.1 Test Setup and Calibration ............................. 181
6.2.2 Measurement Accuracy.................................. 184
6.2.3 Memory Effects in a BJT PA ......................... 185
6.2.4 Memory Effects in an MESFET PA ............... 187
6.3 Memory Effects and Linearization ........................... 187
6.4 Summary .................................................................. 190
6.5 Key Points to Remember .......................................... 191
References ...............................................................................192
Chapter 7 Cancellation of Memory Effects 193
7.1 Envelope Filtering .................................................... 194
7.2 Impedance Optimization .......................................... 198
7.2.1 Active Load Principle .................................... 199
7.2.2 Test Setup and Its Calibration ........................ 202
7.2.3 Optimum ZBB at the Envelope Frequency
Without Predistortion .................................. 203
7.2.4 Optimum ZBB at the Envelope Frequency
with Predistortion ........................................ 204
7.3 Envelope Injection ................................................... 207
7.3.1 Cancellation of Memory Effects in a
CE BJT Amplifier ........................................ 209
7.3.2 Cancellation of Memory Effects in a
CS MESFET Amplifier ............................... 211
7.4 Summary .................................................................. 217
7.5 Key Points to Remember .......................................... 219
References ...............................................................................220
Appendix A: Basics of Volterra Analysis 221
Reference ................................................................................225
Appendix B: Truncation Error 227
Appendix C: IM3 Equations for Cascaded Second-Degree
Nonlinearities 231
Appendix D: About the Measurement Setups 245
Reference ................................................................................247
Glossary 249
About the Authors 253
Index 255


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-16 03:40:51 | 显示全部楼层



《Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design》

PDF格式 281页

Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction 1
1.1 Definitions 1
1.2 What the Reader Should Already Know 3
1.3 Style of Approach 5
1.4 Goals in System Design 7
1.5 The Spirit of System Design 7
1.6 Reliability and Availability 9
1.7 Effects of User Profile 10
1.8 Project Working 11
References 12
Available Parameters 15
2.1 Standardization and Regulations 15
2.2 Frequency 16
2.3 Power 22
2.4 NF 24
2.5 RF Transmission Lines 25
2.6 Geographical Topology 28
2.7 Modulation 29
2.8 Effects of the Baseband Signal 31
2.9 Signal Processing 32
2.10 Nonelectrical Factors 33
References 36
Systems Problems Involving Wave-Propagation Mechanisms 37
3.1 Propagation Models in Brief with Reference to System Design 38
3.2 Means to Counter Adverse Conditions (Stationary and Nonstationary) 42
3.2.1 Attenuation 42
3.2.2 Scattering 46
3.2.3 Multipath Problems 48
3.2.4 Interference Issues 51
3.3 Examples 51
3.3.1 Unexpected Ionospheric Disturbances at HFs 51
3.3.2 Interference Problems in Microwave Links 54
3.3.3 Reception of Weak Geostationary Satellite Signals 59
References 60
Circuits and Components for System Evaluations and Design 63
4.1 Standard or Custom Design? 63
4.2 Passive Modules 64
4.2.1 Terminations 64
4.2.2 Attenuators 65
4.2.3 Power Dividers and Combiners 66
4.2.4 Filters 66
4.2.5 Directional Couplers 70
4.2.6 Isolators 71
4.3 Active Modules 71
4.3.1 Detectors 72
4.3.2 Switches 74
4.3.3 Mixers 76
4.3.4 Amplifiers 79
4.3.5 Oscillators 83
4.3.6 Modulators and Demodulators 87
4.3.7 Upconverters/Downconverters 90
4.3.8 Power Supplies 90
4.4 Mechanics 91
4.5 Purchasing Modules for Equipment Development 93
References 94
Antennas and Associated Hardware 97
5.1 Antenna Selection Criteria 98
5.2 Some Antenna Types 103
5.2.1 Individual Antenna Elements 104
5.2.2 Antenna Arrays 113
5.2.3 Vehicle-Mounted Arrays 128
5.3 Antennas as Mechanical Elements 134
5.3.1 Antenna Mounting on Test Vehicles 134
5.3.2 A Tracking System for a 3-m Reflector Antenna 137
5.4 RF Transmission Lines 140
5.4.1 Coaxial Cables 141
5.4.2 Waveguides 146
5.5 Connectors 147
5.5.1 General Performance Requirements 148
5.5.2 Fundamental Construction 148
5.5.3 Common RF Connector Types for Mechanical Modules 149
5.5.4 Connectors as Components in Milled or Sheet Assemblies 152
5.6 Rotary Joints and Flexible Waveguides 153
5.6.1 Rotary Joints 154
5.6.2 Flexible Waveguides 155
References 157
TXs, RXs, and Transceivers 159
6.1 Requirements for TX 160
6.2 Block Diagram 166
6.3 Choosing the Building Blocks 168
6.4 Requirements for RXs 170
6.5 Block Diagram 174
6.6 Choosing the Building Blocks 176
6.7 Selecting an RX for the System 179
6.8 Transceiver Specialties 180
6.9 Examples 183
6.9.1 Satellite System Ground Beacon 183
6.9.2 Material Analysis with Millimeter Waves 188
6.9.3 Mobile Millimeter-Wave Radar 193
6.9.4 Microwave Telemetry System 198
6.9.5 UHF Time and Frequency Reference 203
References 212
RF Measuring Instrumentation 215
7.1 Defining a Test Setup 215
7.2 Typical Test Instruments for Systems 217
7.3 Ready-Made or Tailored 218
7.4 About Computer Control 219
7.5 Examples 220
7.5.1 Estimating VHF Ground Conductivity 221
7.5.2 High-Power HF VNA 225
7.5.3 Pattern and Impedance Measurements of Compact Antennas 226
7.5.4 Test Instrumentation for Air Navigation Facilities 229
References 241
List of Acronyms 243
List of Symbols 249
About the Author 253
Index 255


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-16 03:42:26 | 显示全部楼层



《Advanced Techniques in RF Power Amplifier Design》

PDF格式 339页

Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
1 Class AB Amplifiers 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Classical Class AB Modes 2
1.3 Class AB: A Different Perspective 9
1.4 RF Bipolars: Vive La Difference 16
1.4.1 A Basic RF BJT Model 16
1.5 On Sweet Spots and IM Glitches 29
1.6 Conclusions 31
Reference 32
2 Doherty and Chireix 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 The Doherty PA 34
2.2.1 Introduction and Formulation 34

2.2.2 The Classical Doherty Configuration 37
2.2.3 Variations on the Classical Configuration 42
2.2.4 Peaking Amplifier Configurations 49
2.2.5 Doherty PA Matching Topologies 52
2.2.6 The Multiple Doherty PA 56
2.2.7 Doherty PA Conclusions 56
2.3 The Chireix Outphasing PA 58
2.3.1 Introduction and Formulation 58
2.3.2 Discussion, Analysis, and Simulation 62
2.3.3 Variations 69
2.3.4 Chireix: Conclusions 71
References 72
3 Some Topics in PA Nonlinearity 73
3.1 Introduction 73
3.2 A Problem, a Solution, and Problems with the
Solution 74
3.3 Power Series, Volterra Series, and Polynomials 77
3.4 Two-Carrier Characterization 89
3.5 Memory and IM Asymmetry in RFPAs 94
3.6 PAs and Peak-to-Average Ratios 105
3.7 Conclusions 109
References 110
4 Feedback Techniques 111
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Feedback Techniques 114
4.3 Amplitude Envelope Feedback: Configuration and
Analysis 121
4.4 Vector Envelope Feedback 137

4.5 Low Latency PA Design 140
4.6 Variations 146
4.7 Conclusions 150
References 151
5 Predistortion Techniques 153
5.1 Introduction 153
5.2 Third-Degree PA: Predistortion Analysis 156
5.3 PD Characteristic for General PA Model 163
5.4 Practical Realization of the Predistorter Function:
Introduction 177
5.5 Analog Predistorters 179
5.6 DSP Predistortion 187
5.7 Conclusions 194
References 195
6 Feedforward Power Amplifiers 197
6.1 Introduction 197
6.2 The Feedforward Loop 198
6.3 AM-PM Correction in the Feedforward Loop 204
6.4 Error Insertion Coupling 208
6.5 Third-Degree Analysis of the Generalized
Feedforward (FFW) Loop 216
6.5.1 Formulation and Analysis 216
6.5.2 Tracking Errors 222
6.5.3 Compression Adjustment 224
6.5.4 Third-Degree Analysis: Conclusions 228
6.6 Feedforward Loop Simulation 229
6.6.1 Effect of AM-PM in Main PA 231
6.6.2 Gain Compression Adjustment 233

6.6.3 EPR Change 233
6.6.4 Gain and Phase Tracking 235
6.6.5 Multicarrier Simulation 235
6.7 Feedforward Loop Efficiency Considerations 236
6.8 Adaption and Correction: Closing the Loop 241
6.9 Variations 249
6.9.1 The Double Feedforward Loop 249
6.9.2 A Feedforward-Enhanced Power Combiner 252
6.9.3 “Budget” FFW Systems 253
6.10 Conclusions 255
References 256
7 Microwave Power Amplifiers 257
7.1 Introduction 257
7.2 Broadband Microwave Power Amplifier Design 259
7.2.1 Introduction 259
7.2.2 Broadband Matching Using Network Synthesis 259
7.2.3 Balanced Amplifiers 270
7.2.4 Broadband Power Amplifier Design Issues 273
7.3 Microwave Circuits and MIC Techniques 280
7.3.1 Introduction 280
7.3.2 Substrate and Heatsink Materials 281
7.3.3 MIC Components and Structures 283
7.4 PA Design Using Prematched Modules 287
7.4.1 Introduction 287
7.4.2 Matching Issues for IMTs 287
7.4.3 Biasing Issues for IMTs 290
7.4.4 Power Combining of IMTs 291
7.5 Distributed Amplifiers 293
7.6 Conclusions 296
References 297

Appendix 299
Notes 299
Selected Bibliography 300
Glossary 301
About the Author 305
Index 307


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