偶然一个机会看到Yeelink这个平台,感觉不错,利用Ginkgo USB-I2C适配器可以读写控制AM2311温湿度传感器以获取环境温湿度,以前已经实现对这个适配器读写控制并在上位机上显示温湿度数据,今天看了下Yeelink的API,不是很复杂,于是就准备将它测的数据上传到Yeelink上;
我将数据上传部分程序封装了下,用起来更简单了,上传数据或者获取数据需要用到的函数如下:- int32_t WINAPI Yeelink_GetApiKey(const char *pUserName,const char *pPassword);
- int32_t WINAPI Yeelink_PostData(const char *pDeviceId,const char *pSensorId,const char *pValue);
- int32_t WINAPI Yeelink_GetData(const char *pDeviceId,const char *pSensorId,char *pValue);
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码
3、通过Ginkgo USB-I2C适配器获取环境中的温湿度值;
完整程序如下:- // USB_I2C_AM2321B.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
- //
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ControlI2C.h"
- #include "yeelink.h"
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- int ret,i;
- uint8_t write_buffer[8]={0};
- uint8_t read_buffer[8]={0};
- ret = Yeelink_GetApiKey("viewtool","viewtool2013");//输入用户名和密码
- if(ret != ERR_SUCCESS){
- printf("Get api key error!");
- return ret;
- }
- //扫描已经连接的设备
- ret = VII_ScanDevice(1);
- if(ret <= 0)
- {
- printf("No device connect!\n");
- return ret;
- }
- //打开设备
- ret = VII_OpenDevice(VII_USBI2C, 0, 0);
- if (ret != ERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- printf("Open device error!\n");
- return ret;
- }
- //初始化设备(硬件控制模式)
- I2C_Config.AddrType = VII_ADDR_7BIT;
- I2C_Config.ClockSpeed = 100000;
- I2C_Config.ControlMode = VII_HCTL_MODE;
- I2C_Config.MasterMode = VII_MASTER;
- I2C_Config.SubAddrWidth = VII_SUB_ADDR_NONE;
- ret = VII_InitI2C(VII_USBI2C, 0, 0, &I2C_Config);
- if (ret != ERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- printf("Initialize device error!\n");
- return ret;
- }
- //循环读取温湿度数据
- while(1)
- {
- uint8_t write_buffer[8] = {0};
- //Wake up AM2311 sensor
- VII_WriteBytes(VII_USBI2C, 0, 0, 0xB8, 0x00, write_buffer, 1);
- //Send out read temperature and huminity command
- write_buffer[0] = 0x03;
- write_buffer[1] = 0x00;
- write_buffer[2] = 0x04;
- ret = VII_WriteBytes(VII_USBI2C, 0, 0, 0xB8, 0x00, write_buffer, 3);
- if (ret != ERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- printf("Write data error!\n");
- return ret;
- }
- // Read out temperature and huminity
- uint8_t read_buffer[8] = {0};
- ret = VII_ReadBytes(VII_USBI2C, 0, 0, 0xB8, 0x00, read_buffer, 8);
- if (ret != ERR_SUCCESS)
- {
- printf("Read data error!\n");
- return ret;
- }
- else
- {
- double t = ((read_buffer[4] << 8) | read_buffer[5]) / 10.0;
- system("cls");
- printf("温度值:%.1f ℃\n",t);
- double h = ((read_buffer[2] << 8) | read_buffer[3]) / 10.0;
- printf("湿度值:%.1f %\n",h);
- Sleep(10000);
- char StrTmp[1024]={0};
- sprintf(StrTmp,"%.1f",t);
- ret = Yeelink_PostData("9433","14860",StrTmp);//输入设备ID和传感器ID,以及传感器数据
- if(ret != ERR_SUCCESS){
- printf("Post data error!");
- }
- sprintf(StrTmp,"%.1f",h);
- ret = Yeelink_PostData("9433","14861",StrTmp);//输入设备ID和传感器ID,以及传感器数据
- if(ret != ERR_SUCCESS){
- printf("Post data error!");
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
[color=rgb(51, 102, 153) !important]复制代码