TA的每日心情 | 难过 2017-4-18 09:57 |
签到天数: 7 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.3]偶尔看看II
在https://derekmolloy.ie/changing-the-beaglebone-cpu-... 这里能找到答案 ,而我也会将我的实验经过分享如下。
1.查看当前BBB CPU的状态信息,很明显下图倒数第二行,当前运行频率是300MHZ
当然你若没有cpufrequtils应用软件 ,那么你需要安装一下这个软件包
2. 试试更改CPU up_threshold值吧
3.用上一篇分享的软件包https://github.com/derekmolloy/boneCV中的boneCVtiming 举个例子
/* boneCVtiming.cpp
* www.derekmolloy.ie
* provided that source code redistributions retain this notice.
* This software is provided AS IS and it comes with no warranties of any type.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
Mat frame, edges;
struct timespec start, end;
clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &start );
int frames=10;
for(int i=0; i<frames; i++){
capture >> frame;
cout << "Failed to capture an image" << endl;
return -1;
cvtColor(frame, edges, CV_BGR2GRAY);
Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3);
clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &end );
double difference = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (double)(end.tv_nsec - sta
cout << "It took " << difference << " seconds to process " << frames << " fr
ames" << endl;
cout << "Capturing and processing " << frames/difference << " frames per sec
ond " << endl;
imwrite("edges.png", edges);
imwrite("capture.png", frame);
return 0;
5. 更改当前主频为800MHZ,实际可调频率分成四挡: 300 -> 600 -> 800 ->1000
6. 再次运行同样的程序,前800MHZ运行情况:10帧耗时2.6s
根据derek的分享,感兴趣的话还能试试在/etc/init.d/cpufrequtils 这个文件里面修改。 |