3、UniFlash Tool:一个基于串口的连接通信工具, UniFlash功能如下:
GUI interface
Flashing of files (including read back verification option)
Service pack flashing
Storage format (secured and non-secured formatting)
Versioning reading for boot loader and chip ID
Compatibility with secured file system implemented with TI’s Simple Link CC3x00 devices
CLI interface
Building and Flashing of configurations files (a file composed from a collection of parameters)
Reading system files
Preparing offline image for gang programming
OTA connection – UART cable replacement
4、Pinmux Tool:图形界面的引脚复用配置工具
5、Teraterm Tool:一个建立连接通信的小工具,可以实现串口功能。
6、TI-RTOS:TI自己Real-Time Operating System,有些例程基于TI-RTOS。