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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-7 21:17
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    发表于 2018-8-16 17:05:49 | 显示全部楼层
    A variety of crossover radio products are already available from multiple suppliers: Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, ZigBee/Bluetooth and Wi-Fi/ZigBee/Bluetooth. They all may not be at the right price point yet, but the underlying message is clear: there are three large, open, worldwide uniform radio communication standards that are the cornerstones for the IoT. That is the good news.
    各种交叉无线电产品已经可以从多个供应商处获得: Wi - Fi /蓝牙、ZigBee /蓝牙和Wi - Fi / ZigBee /蓝牙。他们的价位可能还没有达到人们的预期,但值得肯定的是:这三项大型、开放、全球统一的无线电通信标准正是物联网的基石。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-7 21:17
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    发表于 2018-8-16 17:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
    Now the not so good news. New confusion. Over a decade ago, after the competing radio technology conflicts ended with Wi-Fi becoming the winner (and HomeRF and several other technologies disappearing), a new technology war erupted around the networking and application layers. Today everyone is familiar with TCP/IP – and even if you have never heard of this technology, you are using it to communicate via the web and local networks. But to get to this stage, a battle was fought between multiple networking standards: Novell Netware (who remembers?), Banyan Vines, Microsoft LanManager, IBM SNA, etc. In those days, it was as if almost every large electronics company felt that they had to make their own personal imprint on history by defining a network layer technology.
    一个不好的消息产生——新的混战开始了。以Wi-Fi成为赢家( HomeRF和其他几项技术消失)而终结的无线电技术战争,在十多年后的今天又出现了一场围绕网络和应用层爆发的新的技术战争。今天,每个人都熟悉TCP / IP——即使你从未听说过这项技术,你也在使用它通过网络和本地网络进行通信。但是为了达到这个阶段,在多个网络标准之间展开了一场战斗: Novell Netware (谁还记得?),Banyan Vines, Microsoft LanManager,IBM SNA等。那时候,几乎每个大型电子公司都觉得他们必须通过定义网络层技术在历史上留下自己的个人印记。

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    发表于 2018-8-16 17:32:11 | 显示全部楼层
    Frankly speaking, that is what is happening today in the IoT and smart home spaces. Again. Apparently, many of our industry-leading companies have not learned the lesson that standards wars harm and slow down the adoption of new technologies. Apple HomeKit, Google Brillo, Qualcomm Alljoyn, Intel IoTivity and most recently: Huawei LiteOS, from the Chinese side of the house. All of these emerging application frameworks are now competing to get industry mindshare and to become the “leader in the IoT,” expecting the world to follow suit.
    坦率地说,这就是今天在物联网和智能家居空间中发生的事情。 再次。 显然,我们许多行业领先的公司都没有从标准战造成的伤害和减缓新技术采用的教训中汲取教训。 Apple HomeKit,Google Brillo,Qualcomm Alljoyn,Intel IoTivity以及最近的华为LiteOS,来自中国方面。 所有这些新兴的应用程序框架现在都在争夺行业的思想,并成为“物联网的领导者”,期待全世界都这样做。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-7 21:17
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    发表于 2018-8-16 17:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
    Frankly speaking, that is what is happening today in the IoT and smart home spaces. Again. Apparently, many of our industry-leading companies have not learned the lesson that standards wars harm and slow down the adoption of new technologies. Apple HomeKit, Google Brillo, Qualcomm Alljoyn, Intel IoTivity and most recently: Huawei LiteOS, from the Chinese side of the house. All of these emerging application frameworks are now competing to get industry mindshare and to become the “leader in the IoT,” expecting the world to follow suit.
    坦率地说,这就是今天物联网和智能家居领域发生的事情。显然,我们许多在行业领先的公司还没有吸取标准战争的教训,减缓新技术采用的教训。如苹果HomeKit、Google Brillo、高通公司Alljoyn、英特尔IoTivity以及最近来自中国华为的LiteOS。所有这些新兴的应用框架现在都在竞相抢占业界的关注份额,希望世界也能效仿并成为“物联网领域的领导者”。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-15 14:34
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    发表于 2018-8-17 16:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
    There is one more layer of confusion. Next to the application framework layer, there is a battle going on at the networking level. The clear contender is ZigBee 3.0 with Thread as the challenger. But even more confusing is that several key players in the Thread Group (like Freescale, ARM and Silicon Labs – notably all semiconductor companies) also have prominent leadership positions in the ZigBee Alliance, so it looks that these technology companies are somewhat confused themselves.

    还有一层混乱。在应用框架层的之后,有一个在网络层面上的争论。竞争者是以线程作为挑战者人、的ZigBee 3.0。但更令人困惑的是,线程组中的几个关键参与者(如飞思卡尔、ARM和Silicon Labs——特别是半导体公司)在ZigBee联盟中也有显著的领导地位,因此看起来这些技术公司有些困惑。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-3-15 14:34
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    发表于 2018-8-21 17:01:19 | 显示全部楼层
    Thread was announced in late 2014 and released its specification to its
    members in July 2015. It is clear that it will be a real challenge for Thread to
    rise to the level of being a strong contender against ZigBee 3.0. That should
    not be a surprise as ZigBee 3.0 has incorporated years of experience in many
    application domains (lighting control, home automation, building automation,
    retail, etc.).

    很明显,对抗ZigBee 3并与其竞争,对于线程来说是一个真正的挑战。这并不奇怪,ZigBee 3已经在许多应用领域中积累了多年的经验(例如照明控制,家居自动化,楼宇自动化,零售业等等)。


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-31 10:44
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    发表于 2018-8-22 08:50:36 | 显示全部楼层
    With ZigBee, a very solid certification program is already up and running, test houses are signed up, and more than 1,000 ZigBee products have been certified. ZigBee has clearly become the technology of choice for many of the world’s IoT and smart home system makers. ZigBee also offers powerful ease-of-use features and strong security protocols. This is a major challenge to implement as sensors and edge devices usually do not have keyboards to enter security codes.


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-31 10:44
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    发表于 2018-8-22 09:07:54 | 显示全部楼层
    On top of that, ZigBee 3.0 supports an application library that has lived through multiple iterations of
    maturation. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Thread Group is seriously looking at adopting this ZigBee application library to run over Thread as well. But there is more: (1) ZigBee 3.0 is strongly anchored in the CE world with ZigBee RF4CE and (2) it also includes the ZigBee Green Power feature. Let’s give this a closer look.

    除此之外,ZigBee 3.0还支持应用程序库,该应用程序库已经经历了多次迭代的发展成熟。因此,组织认真地看待采用ZigBee应用程序库来运行线程也是正常的的。但是还有:(1)ZigBee 3.0在ZigBee R4CE中被锁定在CE组织,并且(2)它还包括ZigBee绿色能源特性。让我们仔细看看。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-31 10:44
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    发表于 2018-8-22 09:17:59 | 显示全部楼层
    ZigBee RF4CE
    ZigBee RF4CE was initially developed in the consumer electronics space to replace the Infra-Red (IR) remote controls with radio-based remote controls, so that aim and click would no longer be required. But since then it has significantly evolved, and in its latest version (ZRC 2.0), it is fully integrated with the ZigBee application library. This means that a remote control designed for a TV or a set-top box can also control lamps, lights, curtains, sunshades, etc. in the home. The expectation is that over time, the consumer electronics space and the smart home space will continue to overlap and merge, and ZRC 2.0 is well positioned for that.

    ZigBee R4CE最初是在消费电子使用中开发的,用来替代使用红外射线的红外遥控器,因此不再需要瞄准和点击。但是从那时起,它显著地发展了,并且在它的最新版本(ZRC 2.0)中,它完全集成了ZigBee的应用程序库。这意味着为电视机或机顶盒设计的遥控器还可以控制家庭中的灯、灯、窗帘、遮阳板等。我们期望,随着时间的推移,消费电子和智能家居将继续重叠和合并,ZRC 2.0很好地定位于此。

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  • TA的每日心情
    2013-12-12 09:15
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    发表于 2018-8-23 13:05:15 | 显示全部楼层
    ZigBee RF4CE continues to provide full backward compatibility with the legacy IR space. ZigBee remote controls can automatically detect and download the required code-sets for legacy equipment that requires IR. Because of all these features, as well as its international acceptance, it is not a surprise that RF4CE makes ZigBee a key enabler for the smart home, and that the smart home is a major new service opportunity for the cable and TV operators!
    ZigBee RF4CE继续提供与传统红外空间的完全向后兼容性。 ZigBee遥控器可以自动检测并下载需要红外遥控的传统设备所需的编码集。 归功于这些功能以及国际认可,RF4CE使ZigBee成为智能家居关键的推动者并不奇怪,智能家居是有线电视运营商的新的服务机会!

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